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Santa Fe / Galvez, La Capital, Argentina
Soy Licenciado Anim Eventos Culturales y Social. Profesor de Historia, de Informática y en Administración, especialista en las TIC`s, Posgrados en Cs.Sociales y Administración. Periodista Lt9 Am 1150 + AM 540 - FM 94.9 Radio Nacional+ FM 91.9 Radio de Noticias + FM 98.5 AM 1190 America

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Dead Rising 4: Trainer +11 (WINDOWS STORE 05.02.2017) {CheatHappens.com}

Using this Trainer: Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu. Listen for "Activated". Press desired option key Options in Promo: Numpad 5: Unlimited Stamina Options: Numpad 1: Unlimited Health Numpad 2: Unlimited Ammo Numpad 3: Unlimited Grenades Numpad 4: Unbreakable Weapons Numpad 5: Unlimited Stamina Numpad 6: Add PP Numpad 7: Add Skill Points Numpad 8: Add Money: Numpad 9: Set PP to Next Level Numpad 0: Buddy Health Numpad *: Ghost Mode Notes: Numpad 1: Unlimited Health - toggle on and most things cannot kill you. You may still die from scripted deaths. Numpad 2: Unlimited Ammo - toggle on and most weapons have unlimited ammo. Numpad 3: Unlimited Grenades - toggle on and most throwables are unlimited. Numpad 4: Unbreakable Weapons - toggle on and most weapons cannot break or wear out. Numpad 5: Unlimited Stamina - toggle on and you can run indefinitely. Numpad 6: Add PP - press TAB to enter the Dossier. Note the value. Each press adds more. You may have to leave and come back to see it has changed. Numpad 7: Add Skill Points - press TAB to enter the Dossier. Note the value. Each press adds more. You may have to leave and come back to see it has changed. Numpad 8: Add Money - press TAB to enter the Dossier. Note the value. Each press adds more. You may have to leave and come back to see it has changed. Numpad 9: Set PP to Next Level - press TAB to enter the Dossier. Note the value. When you press this key, the trainer will set your PP to just below the amount needed to level up. Thus the next PP earned will level you up. Numpad 0: Buddy Health - if you notice a friendly is getting near death, press this key to instantly give them full health. Numpad *: Ghost Mode - this is a fun option mostly for exploring and for helping check out things or to help you draw enemies or escape. To use it press it on and you can walk through walls, move around places that you would normally be blocked. On top of that, you CAN attack things while in Ghost Mode. However, once you turn it back off you are right back to where you were when you turned it on originally. Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - Dead Rising 4 Trainer Short Documentaries

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